February 3-5, 2026

Anaheim Convention
Center, Anaheim, CA

What Attendees Have To Say

I would encourage people to come because there's so much that is happening in manufacturing and what manufacturers have to deal with and it's really hard to get and stay caught up so a meeting like this and socializing, making connections is really important and I encourage people to do as much of it as they can.

— Mike Yost, Industry 4.0

To anyone who has never been, you need to take advantage and come. It's an opportunity to see new things, meet people and interact with your fellow customers and competitors. It's an opportunity to see the whole industry all at once.

— Octavia Banner, Cook Medical

Biggest reason to come is meeting all of the different companies and seeing ones you may not have thought of. We all sit there for hours and do Google searches but it's really hard to replicate the ability of walking the line of the show and seeing physical products and go "That looks really similar to what I need, let me go talk to them.

— Joshua Cruz, Baxter International

We're exposed to so many new customers and also just being able to talk to customers about what they're looking for and really being able to start a relationship with those customers. We're trying to get into the US market. I think this is one of the best ways you can because not only are you gaining that exposure, but you're also being able to speak with customers, get a relationship, get contact details, which is one of the most important things.

— Saoirse Walshe, ICS Medical Devices

I came here and got some exciting opportunities because I saw some of the exhibitors which [are] very relevant to me, and I found exactly what I was looking for. Come here, enjoy the show, and there is definitely something you can get from here.

— Yuping Li, Zest Dental Solutions

I always attend IME West every year and I get to meet vendors as well as look for new technologies for innovations. My role my company is to innovate our supply chain and I find seeing those new technology upfront in action helps me pick the right technologies for our obligations in Johnson and Johnson.

— Ganesh Rao, Johnson & Johnson

Biggest reason to come is meeting all of the different companies and seeing ones you may not have thought of. We all sit there for hours and do Google searches but it's really hard to replicate the ability of walking the line of the show and seeing physical products and go "That looks really similar to what I need, let me go talk to them.

— Joshua Cruz, Baxter International

We're trying to figure out where the trends are as far our our industry which is automation. There's a few other conventions, but by far ATX, it's one of the biggest ones that we always attend.

— Wilson Fajardo, iEnVision Automation

This is our first time here and really enjoying it. There's just so much innovation, it's crazy!

— Bobbie Kobus, Leonard Enterprises, Inc.

Biggest reason to come is meeting all of the different companies and seeing ones you may not have thought of. We all sit there for hours and do Google searches but it's really hard to replicate the ability of walking the line of the show and seeing physical products and go "That looks really similar to what I need, let me go talk to them."

— Joshua Cruz, Baxter International

MD&M West provides many, many outlets for us to find our suppliers, plus our new suppliers as we move along.

— Lowell Johnson, Jet Plastics

The value for me has been mainly just getting in touch with the latest trends from the industry, how people come in and share their experience and ability to network as well and connecting with everyone. Just seeing how every company is going through their life cycle of experiences. I could see applications in my own company, so just being able to absorb information and then have the ability to brainstorm and then think about future strategies to implement.

— Celeste Bonyuet, Jenavalve

The value is learning from each other and building a kind of a community. I get to meet people, connect with people and kind of glean from their knowledge and expertise.

— Melody Fetterly, Open Source Integrators

For us, especially on the West Coast, I think we get a lot of the customers that we don't get to regularly see. So it's good to see everybody here and it's growing every every year.

— Brodie Delemeester, INCOE Corp.

We had some great conversations with some pretty big companies. So really good leads. It's really a great way that you can grow your grow your business, increase your footprint for your company, and network.

— Leon Green, MECCO Partners

There's always something new being developed and no matter how much you think you may be ahead of it, you're not. I think that it's something that, you know, if you're anywhere near this industry, you should probably attend at least once. You're constantly learning, you're constantly meeting new companies, new innovations, and just all around learning something every time you talk to somebody new.

— Joseph Bonds, Albemarle

Coming to a show like this really gets our our name out there and our product in front of a lot of people. And so for return on investment, a show of this size and stature really brings in essentially I would say about tenfold of what we see at a lot of the smaller shows and really expands our, our footprint throughout not just this country, but all over the world.

— Mike Holcomb, LightGuide, Inc.

[West] is a pretty well-oiled machine. We’ve seen a significant lift in customer base and a return to normalcy in terms of supply and demand in the market in 2024.

— Rob Werge, President and CEO, Cadence, Inc.

Our company has been exhibiting here for 35 years. This show has been and always is our super bowl.

— Katie Wilson, VP Healthcare Communications & Digital Strategy, Spectrum Plastics

I thought the entire experience of IME was absolutely refreshing. I am so used to seeing people that look like me at the events I have attended in the last 20 years, to see the diversity in the exhibitors and attendees was pretty special. I thought the show was well laid out, accessible, and informative.

— James Mayer, Founder, TCO Strategies & Manufacturing Culture Podcast

In terms of the event, its always a great one. I have been to this show at least 6 or 7 times throughout the years and the idea of combining multiple disciplines under one umbrella was a great one. This show demonstrates its value to us through leads first and foremost. This was the first show in a long time where we nearly had a 50/50 split of new opportunities and existing customers. We’re able to tie those opportunities, even for upsells with existing, into an ROI. With 185 leads I can say with confidence we’re going nowhere.

— Graham Hargreaves, Marketing Manager, CAD/CAM Consulting Services

I must say it was perhaps the most engaging Informa show I've had the privilege to be part of. The volume of positive feedback I received was amazing.

— Jason Bean, Founder, M-Path Consulting Group

What Exhibitors Have To Say

Coming to a show like this really gets our name out there and our product in front of a lot of people. And so for return on investment, a show of this size and stature really brings in, essentially I would say, about tenfold of what we see at a lot of the smaller shows and really expands our footprint throughout, not just this country, but all over the world.

— Mike Holcomb, AR Sales Manager, LightGuide, Inc.

We get to meet with a number of different customers and our manufacturing partners. So not only is it a great investment for us to get our brand awareness out there, find new customers and things like that, but we also get to hang out with our customers and internal people that work around the whole US.

— Josh Empey, Sales Team Lead, MSI TEC

The benefit really for us is to meet customers that might not notice us. We're late into this industry and there are big competitors here. We come to this show specifically because of the investment in medical device, which is always strong, and automotive, which we also work in. So far, we've met already substantial leads. So that's good, but we also get to walk around and see innovations that are happening in the marketplace. So maybe we recognize a new target for our equipment to go in and get sales.

— Donald Patten, Applications Engineer, MS Ultrasonic Technology, LLC

It's the easiest thing in the world for us to come here. It's so hard to try and meet with our competitors, our customers out in the field and come in here. I mean, everyone's here. So this is the easy button.

— Kevin Legacy, Director of X-Ray Solutions, ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions

This is a show that most of the people from the West Coast come to, so we want to be here for that. We've been exhibiting here for over 20 years and the reason we keep coming back is because we see a lot of value in being here.

— Frank Kavanagh, Vice President Sales & Marketing, Maguire Products Inc.

This exhibition in particular has a lot of pharmaceutical companies here as well exhibiting with which we actually work together a lot. So, it's a great place to meet up with customers or make new friendships with new possible customers and to show off a little bit of our new projects of our new portfolio and the new components to especially the pharmaceutical area. Meeting up with old friends, meeting up with customers, discussing current projects, discussing possible future projects, but also meeting up with new people, getting to know new technology, what's actually brand new in the field of pharmaceuticals.

— Mihael Coric, Engineer, Marco Precision Dispensing Systems

We had some great conversations with some pretty big companies. So really good leads. It's really a great way that you can grow your business, increase your footprint for your company, and network.

— Leon Green, Sales Engineer, MECCO Partners

This is our first time here and really enjoying it. There's just so much innovation, it's crazy!

— Bobbie Kobus, CFP, Leonard Enterprises Inc

Everybody here is very open to conversation, which makes everything that much better. No two conversations are the same, which is intimidating, but also good because it helps me out and it broadens my knowledge in general.

— Peyton Kelly, Sales Support Coordinator, Uniphar Logistics

I get to see all of my customers in one spot and don't have to drive all over Southern California. It's nice to see current customers, meet new customers and get out here and just, you know, see everybody.

— Jordan Sorenson, Regional Account Manager, Tekniplex Healthcare

It's very nice that we can show our manufacturing competencies with the products that we demonstrate to all different kinds of interesting parties. There's a real trend in parties coming back to the US for the sourcing of their products. So they are looking around for interesting manufacturers.

— Roel van Wijlen, Commercial Director, Prodrive Technologies

For us, it was the focus on the medical markets together with the factory we opened up recently in the US and all the onshoring going on. And now it looks like it's actually a good choice, because so far, it's been a very good show for us. We have a lot of good leads to follow up on. I think the real value is to find the people who are focused on the medical markets, and I think that's a real focus for us.

— Vincent Drietelaar, Regional Sales Manager, Prodrive Technologies

I think it's always important to just share insights on creating better designs. We do similar stuff but hearing about human factors and design and design engineering, working together to create better products. Seems like there are a lot of people here that are kind of trying to learn about that and incorporate it into their process.

— Allie Sieben, UX/UI Designer, MPE

If we sell one piece of equipment, it more than pays for the booth. So we expect a good return on our investment. We've been here before, but it was years ago and we kind of changed markets for a while and medical is too big to ignore, so we're back.

— Bill Aurand, National Sales Manager, Rinco Ultrasonics

If you look at just what's happened to me in the last 30 minutes, and the show basically just opened, I've already hit several of my current customers, which is absolutely amazing. And then also the amount of prospects that are walking the aisles is just very good because you're not going to find these people from just knocking on their door. So, it's been great for us so far. It's number of touches. And so that's how we measure everything. I will tell you right now, that I think we're going to get a very good return on investment. We're out of the Midwest, and so for us, it is a significant effort for us to be here. We got a large network and so I definitely think it is going to pay off.

— Troy Nix, Executive Director, Manufacturers Association For Plastics Processors (MAPP)

[West] is a pretty well-oiled machine. We’ve seen a significant lift in customer base and a return to normalcy in terms of supply and demand in the market in 2024.

— Rob Werge, President and CEO, Cadence, Inc.

Our company has been exhibiting here for 35 years. This show has been and always is our super bowl.

— Katie Wilson, VP Healthcare Communications & Digital Strategy, Spectrum Plastics

In terms of the event, its always a great one. I have been to this show at least 6 or 7 times throughout the years and the idea of combining multiple disciplines under one umbrella was a great one. This show demonstrates its value to us through leads first and foremost. This was the first show in a long time where we nearly had a 50/50 split of new opportunities and existing customers. We’re able to tie those opportunities, even for upsells with existing, into an ROI. With 185 leads I can say with confidence we’re going nowhere.

— Graham Hargreaves, Marketing Manager, CAD/CAM Consulting Services