Absolute Haitian’s journey As a legacy exhibitor with MD&M West – specifically Plastec West – we congratulate the show on 40 years of connecting industry professionals with exhibiting companies such as us.
Founded in 2006, Absolute Haitian is the official distributor and service manager for all Haitian molding machines in the United States and Canada. We’ve had great results connecting with injection molders – particularly medical molders and processors serving the aviation/aeronautical industry – at MD&M West. A few years back, we sold an injection molding machine from the show floor and quickly arranged trucking to deliver it at the show’s end. That was an exciting success story.
In the early days, the only hotels and restaurants surrounding the Anaheim Convention Center were family-oriented and you were likely to be serenaded by Disney characters at breakfast. Today, hotels and restaurants cater more willingly to business customers, we’ve seen the show’s environment change. No more do we have to go to Downtown Disney for a good meal!